What Can an Aged Shelf Corporation Do for You?

  • Aged time in business from the incorporation date.

  • Project stability.

  • Create an effective marketing image of permanence.

  • Increase deposits from sales and marketing, enhancing your ability to show proof-of-concept and increased access to business credit.

  • Enjoy a solid foundation from the moment you start operations.

  • Landlords prefer to lease to an aged company that’s at least three years old. With all the defaults on rent and leases, this is a critical issue.

  • Easier access to equipment leasing.

  • In comparison with starting a business with an aged company, any newly formed company is at a great disadvantage.

    The availability and pricing of our aged shelf companies are subject to constant change, dwindling supply and market conditions.

Shell or Shelf Corporation

What is the difference between a shell corporation and a shelf corporation?

Shell Corporation

A shell corporation engages in no active business and exists, usually, as a means for another corporation to do business.

We DON’T offer shell corporations.

Shelf Corporation

A shelf corporation is “stored” for immediate availability for some point in the future.
Shelf corporations enable the new owner to establish instant credibility and develop a quick credit profile.
We offer shelf corporations.

Read This Shelf Corporation F.A.Q. on Nevada vs. Wyoming. This Will Surprise You.

Wyoming Shelf Corporations & LLC’s:

  • $50 annual report
  • Low maintenance
  • Best for holding assets, tech industries, real estate

1 Year Old Wyoming Corporation or Wyoming LLCs for $700

Montana Corporations & LLC’s:

$20 annual report
Low maintenance
Best for building corporate credit

4 Year Old

4 Year Old Montana Corporation $1300

5 Year Old

5 Year Old Montana Corporation $1700

6 Year Old

6 Year Old Montana Corporation Or LLC $1800

New Mexico Shelf LLC’s:

  • No Annual Fees To The State
  • Lower Up Front Cost
  • Effective For Any Business Start-up Or To Build Corporate Credit.
  • 5 Year Old
    5 Year Old New Mexico Llc $1700

  • 6 Year Old
    6 Year Old New Mexico Llc $1800

  • 7 Year Old
    7 Year Old New Mexico Llc $1900

What’s Included With Your Aged Shelf Company?

  • A clean, unused company, in good standing, and never dissolved.
  • No EIN. That is a good thing. This means the company is clean from debt and liabilities.
  • Filed Articles of Incorporation/Organization
  • Certificates of good standing
  • Registered agent service
  • Operating agreement/bylaws
  • Company resolutions.
  • We update the name and address unto the public record.

Aged Shelf Nevada Corporation: Why We Stopped Offering Nevada Shelf Companies

Nevada Corporation Warning Click Here

Corporate Credit

Can we build corporate credit? We found a company that builds corporate credit for shelf corporations and start-ups. Find out here.

What is the purpose of a shelf corporation?

Shelf Corporation Purpose #1

The shelf corporation is used to assume a business history (time in business).

Shelf Corporation Purpose #2

The shelf corporation makes business start-up easier when needing to establish business credit.

Shelf Corporation Purpose #3

Shelf corporations are ideal when action must be taken immediately, such as the transfer of key assets. This may apply in cases such as taxation and asset protection issues.

Shelf Corporation Purpose #4

There are promoters of shelf corporations that advocate the use of aged shelf corporation for the repair of credit, or an alternative form of credit for those who are credit challenged.

Shelf Corporation Purpose #5

A contract was entered into in the name of a corporation to be formed and an unforeseen liability has surfaced.